Discover the employment village

At a time when the Internet and information technologies are booming, training in these sectors can be a wise choice to boost your career, change branches or simply enter the world of work. The IT professions are attracting more and more young graduates, looking for a variety of positions, with many professional possibilities and interesting opportunities for development. But to stand out from the competition, it is therefore necessary to move towards a high-end training program that will appeal to recruiters. Practical courses are a must here, and allow you to enrich your CV while accumulating an extremely profitable field experience. Specialized schools are therefore multiplying, each one offering more attractive offers than the last. To be sure to choose the one that suits you best, you will need to opt for a top-of-the-range program in an establishment with a solid reputation and highly qualified teachers.

How to choose the right IT training institution?

The computer and information and communication technologies sector has been booming for several years now, leading to the multiplication of qualifying training courses of varying length and quality. It can therefore seem extremely complicated for a novice to find his way around! First clue to make your choice: go to a historical structure, benefiting from many years of experience, which will have been able to adapt to a market in constant evolution. For example, since its very first launch in 1998, the job village - also known by the abbreviation VDE - has had to take up many challenges and has been able to renew itself in order to offer ever more effective programs to its students and investors alike. The history of VDE began in 1994, under the impetus of a group of young graduates, all engineers or PhDs, who were determined to make a place for themselves on the job market. Reactive and ambitious, they wrote in 1998 a revolutionary Method with their friends and family, with the aim of allowing beginners of all profiles to access high-level professions in just a few months, saving a maximum of time at the beginning of their career. To date, more than 5,200 employees have benefited from this opportunity.

A unique method for training in the IT field

Over the years, the VDE teams have developed a unique program, with the aim of guaranteeing their students an interesting contract and attractive remuneration with one of their employer partners, particularly for key account assignments in information technology and IT, complemented by personalized support for up to 36 months after recruitment. Their strong point: evaluating each candidate as soon as they arrive at the Village "Hub", in order to complete the operational skills they need to enter the professional world. They will thus be able to quickly acquire the know-how and level of expertise they need to rise to positions of responsibility and easily launch their careers.

Personalized training in communication and information professions

The curriculum, entirely personalized, is based on three axes. First of all, the Project axis aims to evaluate the skills and know-how of the candidate in order to provide him, in a short period of time, the necessary complements to make it operational and allow him to intervene on Major Projects. The candidate will thus learn to work in symbiosis with people from various specialties in order to carry out large-scale tasks. The strong points of this stage: to know in a global way how a Major Project works, to know how to communicate and work with different profiles, levels and departments, to identify the role of each one, to identify the key stages of a project, etc. The students will also familiarize themselves with professional vocabulary and learn the professional mechanisms in force in their future environments. Next, the Technical axis promotes effective learning through the manipulation of tools, machines and other latest generation computer workstations. The VDE premises, with a surface area of 1326 m2, are indeed ideally located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, and have spacious connected activity rooms with more than 500 workstations complemented by modern user-friendly spaces. From the very beginning of their curriculum, students will be encouraged to confront themselves with different technologies, software and languages. Complete beginners will thus aim to be operational on the use of key tools, while computer scientists will be led to deepen their knowledge in the field of current development languages. Finally, the Business axis aims to promote the integration of the candidate in the job market, by allowing him/her to know perfectly the environment in which he/she will evolve. Indeed, employers demand immediately operational recruits, who adapt in record time to the specificities of their field of development: for example, the codes of Banking or Finance will not be the same as those of Insurance, Transport, Energy, or Retail. The Business Line therefore focuses on the functional specificities of the business, a big plus for successful integration!

Versatility, a key factor in increasing your chances of being recruited!

To multiply the chances of candidates, the VDE has surrounded itself with a solid team, recognized for its skills, and above all well anchored in the world of work. Its teaching staff includes permanent expert coaches, specialized in specific areas of activity, to support the winners at every stage of their career. In addition, more than 60 occasional speakers, experts in communication and applications used by professionals, offer complementary modules according to the profiles. Communication is also at the heart of VDE's offerings: students learn how to run meetings, create intervention schedules, organize meetings with customers or external service providers, etc. The mastery of oral and written communication techniques is at the heart of the teachers' preoccupations. Even the most shy people will be able to express themselves in public and speak with ease and fluidity!

Attractive opportunities

Thanks to its high-end follow-up, the VDE enables its candidates to find a job 3 to 9 months after the end of the training, with expert careers in IT and information systems. Its coaches accompany the student until the signing of his permanent contract, as well as technical support until his full integration into the professional world. A guarantee of quality for both the recruiter and the young graduate! Last but not least, the VDE offers completely free training for the student, managing the financial package and applications for aid from the various public funding bodies. The assurance of a successful and stress-free professional reconversion!
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