Contests and exams

How to prepare well for the competitive entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles

Access to the grandes écoles is attracting more and more young students these days. In addition to mastering the basics acquired at a lower level of study, those interested in studying at the grandes écoles will have to reinforce their…

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Tips to succeed in business school

Passing a business school entrance exam is not an easy thing to do. It requires good preparation and high morale. If you want to know how to get into business school then follow this guide. The Basics of Successful Business…

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Good reasons to register for the Cambridge exams

The Cambridge test allows you to add clear added value to your CV by adapting it to international standards. Supported by major companies, these tests are beneficial for the student in any case. Evaluate your level in English The Cambridge…

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Preparing for the IELTS exam in Paris

The International English Language Testing System, better known as the IETLS is a diploma of level concerning the English language. Having this diploma in your pocket, you will open many doors both professionally and personally. Especially since in many fields…

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How do I pass the Praxis Core?

If you are interested in teaching in a public kindergarten or elementary school, you must take the Praxis Core. This teacher recruitment competition is organized every year. But how do you pass the exam? In most cases, it is better…

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Preparing properly for the most important language tests

Nowadays, knowledge of the foreign language is a major asset in the job search. During a job interview, most recruiters always ask you about the number of languages you master. When you are fluent in several languages, this can be…

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10 quick tips for successful exam preparation

There are always various activities that can be done separately or combined to enhance the experience. Attached are a few guidelines for practical reference. Give yourself enough time to study Make a study program that fits your way of studying…

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Test preparation tips

Here are some proven strategies that have helped many students improve test scores and prepare for exams more effectively. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t cram It seems that some students thrive on last-minute “cramming”. But most experts would agree that cramming is…

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Exam Preparation: Ten Review Tips

Give yourself enough time to study Do not leave it until the last minute. Although some students seem to thrive on last-minute stuffing, it is widely accepted that (for most of us) this is not the best way to approach…

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