How to prepare well for the competitive entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles

Access to the grandes écoles is attracting more and more young students these days. In addition to mastering the basics acquired at a lower level of study, those interested in studying at the grandes écoles will have to reinforce their knowledge before the competitive entrance exams. Since this is a competitive examination, only the best will be definitively selected at the end of the tests. Thus, each candidate will have to stand out from the others by demonstrating his or her personal values through the different tests of the competition. To do so, a good preparation is essential.

Time management

Time management is a point not to be neglected for those preparing for a competition. First of all, during the preparation period itself, it is advisable to set up a timetable. It is a planning arranged according to the profile of each person. During this preparatory phase, excessive effort is not recommended, as it risks physically and psychologically destabilizing the candidate. In order to do so, the time allocated to study and moments of relaxation must be included in the personal timetable. Secondly, it is important to manage your time well during the competition tests. To this end, during the preparation exercises, each student must master the notion of time and situate themselves in relation to the time allotted for each test.

Familiarize yourself with the events

A well-informed candidate will always be one step ahead of others. There are several ways to become familiar with the competition tests. First and foremost, it is important to find out which tests you will be taking. Based on this information, regular and planned training is required through the treatment of the different topics related to previous competitions. The choice of subjects is made according to the major school desired by the candidate, as is the case with the training with the annals of preparation sciences po for publicists. For those who wish to be coached during the preparation, it is also possible to register in a school of preparation for the competition such as pge pgo. The fact of being registered in this kind of institution can be an asset for a candidate in the parallel admissions competitions. Next, the advice of elders should also be taken into account, as they have gone through this route.

Stress Management

Stress occurs during the written exams, but especially before the oral exams. It is an element that destabilizes many candidates and is often the cause of failure in competitions. First of all, the day before the competition, the candidate must take advantage of a good moment of relaxation to overcome this stress and prepare mentally and psychologically for the big day. Then, before the tests, a good breath is necessary to keep calm. Indeed, the brain needs this breathing to supply itself with oxygen. Finally, it is advisable to adopt a positive attitude to better face the subject. A well-prepared candidate, whether written or oral, will have no difficulty in passing the exams of the grandes écoles.
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