All you need to know about studying abroad

Of course, studying abroad is also a challenge you need to prepare for. Moreover, studying abroad is not for everyone. In order to avoid the unpleasant situation of interrupting your studies abroad, you need to think ahead about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In this context, we will summarize a few points for you to consider.

Studying abroad

Professional benefits in working life

During your studies abroad, you must be independent, autonomous and flexible. These qualities are also important for your future professional life and are therefore in demand. In addition, studying abroad guarantees you additional language skills, especially English, which can be important qualifications for a career. With a German Abitur, you meet the academic requirements for studying in any EU country. In addition, in many cases you will often get a university place abroad more quickly, especially when it comes to popular subjects such as psychology and medicine.

Discover new things and make cross-cultural friendships

Finally far from home! Many school leavers are lured as far away as possible. They want to get away from their familiar surroundings. Studying abroad offers the opportunity to see more of the world and meet new people. They can come from all kinds of countries, so you will learn about other cultures. During your studies, you will have many new experiences. Dealing with people from other cultures is one of them. It may also give you a new perspective on your own culture.

Improve your language skills

You will generally study abroad in the local language or in English. This will allow you to acquire new language skills, which in any case will also bring you closer to the culture. Intercultural skills are always an advantage. And honestly, who wouldn't like to be able to speak as many languages as possible?

Studying abroad

In addition to the benefits of studying abroad, there are of course also things that can be considered critically. Already strenuous studies in combination with a foreign language, for example, can lead to a double burden. This phenomenon should not be underestimated. Comprehension in the classroom can already fail because of a speaker's dialect. In any case, a foreign language is also an obstacle at the beginning, but it can be overcome with patience and is certainly worth it.

Nostalgia for home

Often underestimated and yet dangerous: nostalgia for the country. Everyone reacts differently to new experiences abroad. Being away from family and friends can take away the joy of the experience abroad, especially for those who tend to be homesick. Depending on the length of study abroad, separation from the social and familiar environment is a decisive change. However, homesickness often manifests itself mostly at the beginning and is only of short duration.


Good old-fashioned expenses should not be underestimated, especially during a stay abroad. You must in any case make provision for the half-yearly contribution and other high costs may also be incurred. The extent of these costs naturally varies and depends on the individual case. In some countries, the cost of living is much higher than the German average. But of course, the opposite can also be the case. Good reasons for a semester abroad in Eastern Europe. In any case, before you start studying abroad, you should plan your finances. Constant worries about money on the spot are annoying and certainly do not promote the success of your studies. BAföG or scholarships offer possible financial assistance.
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